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Neutrois is a non-binary gender identity that is primarily associated with gender neutrality or the nullification of gender. Individuals who identify as neutrois often describe themselves as feeling indifferent toward gender or lacking a specific gender entirely. This experience can be understood as similar to or overlapping with agender identities, where individuals do not identify with any gender at all, but neutrois specifically refers to a gender identity that exists within a non-binary framework, often embodying a neutral or "null" gender experience.

Key Features

  • Gender Neutrality or Nullification: The defining feature of neutrois is its connection to gender neutrality or the negation of gender altogether. Neutrois individuals typically feel a disconnect or indifference toward gender categories and may reject being defined as male, female, or any other gender. Their identity may be expressed as gender-neutral or entirely without gender.

  • Non-Binary Identification: Neutrois is a non-binary identity, meaning it falls outside the traditional binary concept of male and female. Unlike some non-binary identities that might blend or combine elements of both male and female experiences, neutrois is defined by the absence or neutrality of gender rather than a mixture of gender traits.

  • Connection to Agender: Neutrois is often compared to or overlaps with agender identities, where individuals do not feel a connection to gender at all. While agender is specifically the lack of gender, neutrois may imply a more neutral or undefined gender experience, though the distinction between these identities can sometimes be subtle.

  • Fluidity and Personal Expression: Neutrois individuals may experience their gender identity as fluid or variable, shifting in intensity over time or remaining constant. While some may feel a consistent lack of gender, others might experience their identity as changing or evolving. Neutrois individuals may express their gender-neutrality through various means, such as gender-neutral clothing, pronouns, and social interactions that do not rely on gendered expectations.

  • Neutral or Undefined Pronouns: Many neutrois individuals prefer using gender-neutral pronouns, such as they/them, ze/zir, or other personalized pronouns that align with their gender experience. This helps affirm their neutral or non-gendered identity and challenges the conventional use of gendered pronouns.


Neutrois is one of many terms used within the non-binary and genderqueer spectrum, though it is unique in its focus on a neutral or absent gender experience. It is important to note that neutrois is not simply a rejection of male or female identities, but rather a specific gender experience characterized by neutrality or the absence of gender. People who identify as neutrois may use this term to describe their personal experience with gender in a way that feels more accurate and authentic to them.

While neutrois is part of the broader conversation about non-binary identities, it is distinct in its explicit neutrality. The term contributes to the growing recognition that gender is not limited to just male and female, and that there is a broad spectrum of gender experiences that go beyond these binary categories.

A Growing Understanding of Non-Binary Identities

The rise of non-binary gender identities has led to increased awareness and recognition of identities such as neutrois, agender, genderfluid, and other gender-diverse experiences. As society becomes more inclusive and attuned to the complexity of gender, neutrois serves as a key part of this evolving conversation. Individuals who identify as neutrois contribute to broadening the narrative of gender beyond the binary, offering a model for understanding gender as a spectrum rather than a fixed concept.

Rejection of the Gender Binary

Neutrois challenges the traditional gender binary that categorizes people as either male or female. By identifying as a neutral or absent gender, neutrois individuals reject the confines of this binary framework and advocate for a more fluid understanding of gender that allows for a wider range of expressions. This rejection is part of the broader gender revolution in which individuals seek autonomy in defining their gender identity.

Connection to Gender-Neutral Spaces

The increasing visibility of gender-neutral spaces - such as bathrooms, clothing lines, and public discourse - has created an environment where neutrois individuals can express their gender identity with greater acceptance. As the world becomes more open to recognizing gender-neutral and non-binary identities, the experiences of neutrois individuals are more likely to be validated and understood.

Cultural Relevance

The term neutrois is part of the ongoing movement toward greater recognition of non-binary and gender-diverse identities. As society becomes more aware of the limitations of the gender binary, terms like neutrois help individuals articulate their unique gender experiences in ways that go beyond traditional gender labels. This helps to normalize the idea that gender is not a fixed or binary concept, but rather a spectrum that can include a variety of experiences.

In addition, the term neutrois can contribute to discussions around gender dysphoria, body modification, and the ways in which individuals seek to express themselves outside of traditional gender categories. Some neutrois people may also explore gender-affirming procedures to align their physical appearance with their gender identity, though this is a deeply personal choice and not a universal experience.

Identity Validation and Empowerment

For neutrois individuals, identifying as neutrois provides a sense of empowerment and validation. It offers a way to articulate their experience of gender in a society that often places pressure on people to conform to a male or female identity. By using the term "neutrois," individuals are able to define themselves within a broader spectrum of gender possibilities, allowing them to express their unique experiences more clearly.

Increasing Language for Gender Diversity

The rise of terms like neutrois, agender, and non-binary contributes to the evolving language around gender diversity. These terms provide more specific labels for individuals who may have previously felt excluded or misunderstood in conversations about gender. As cultural acceptance of non-binary identities grows, neutrois offers an important framework for understanding and embracing gender neutrality.

Representation in Media and Art

As non-binary identities become more visible in popular culture, art, and media, the inclusion of characters or public figures who identify as neutrois helps to normalize and validate this experience. Media representation plays a significant role in shaping societal understanding, and the portrayal of neutrois individuals or characters helps to break down rigid gender expectations and promote a more inclusive view of human diversity.

Challenging Gender Norms in Society

The identification of neutrois individuals highlights the need for society to reconsider traditional gender norms. Neutrois people reject binary gender roles, and their visibility challenges cultural ideas about what it means to be a man or a woman. This challenges traditional expectations about gender presentation, behavior, and roles within the family, the workplace, and other social spaces. Neutrois individuals help expand the possibilities for gender expression and provide an alternative to conventional gender stereotypes.

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